6 Week High Intensity Fitness Classes with Eden Health & Fitness!

Kick start your fitness regime with Eden Health & Fitness!
No time
Fine Print:
  • 1 Voucher per person
  • New clients to Eden Fitness only
  • Multiples may be purchased and distributed as gifts
  • Your voucher must be redeemed and sessions booked by 1st April 2018
  • Our 6 week programme starts every 6 weeks, but this can be negotiable
  • Clients must pick 4 of the available 10 weekly sessions, which they will then tick to for the 6 weeks
  • 10 classes to choose from
  • A variety of different classes
  • NEW CLASS! Fuctional Patterns (HIIT/Yoga) - This class is designed to increase both overall fitness, strength and mobility
  • Mixture of location between town and out west
  • A very friendly environment, due to having a friendly customer base already
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